mare:conlangebook 에서 제기한 기본 용례 25가지.
- Hello\ danó.
- How are you? (or similar greeting question)
- My name is…
á nemo ~ - What is your name?
ci pia nemo? - I am lost.
- Where am I? ci diseo?
- Where is…
- the bathroom (WC/toilet/human waste collection center)?
- my luggage?
- the tourist center?
- the embassy?
- I'm sorry.
- Please
- Thank you!
- Help!
- I don't speak ?LanguageX very well.
ao cemaro marI ~. - I don't understand.
ao cekeno. - Speak more slowly please.
- It was my wife's/husband's idea to come here for vacation!
- Could you recommend…
- a good restaurant?
- something good to eat?
- a good hotel?
- a good doctor?
- That was a lovely meal. What was it?
- How much do we owe you…
- for the meal?
- for the room?
- for the things that we broke?
- How much did you say it cost again?
- You are joking, aren't you?
- I am sorry, I didn't mean to insult you.
- Our customs are very different from yours.
- I don't know anything about local politics, I'm afraid.
- Our guide did not tell us that there was a (revolution/war/soccer?football championship) going on in this country.
- Thank you for your hospitality. We enjoyed our visit very much, but now we must be going home because we have many important things to do there.
mare/conlangebook.txt · 마지막으로 수정됨: 2015/03/12 04:39 저자