창세기 10장 1절-9절 말씀.
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기존 번역중 텍스트

  1. eldira maro ciso, nak aumaro ciso. C
    all-world's language-is was-one. and mouth-language-is was-one.
  2. Nath wo torû imgofl, sinalOÎ hisdiri gegâ imsae hilof C
    so, they-are to-east go-with, sinal-called) plain-obj meet and there-at dwell-be-with,
  3. ennafl cimarö na, ne' dinpoti nadoâ; lagîû epao. nath dinpotâ poti armof, kermoâ
  4. nak aumaro; na, nap ne' arcu wedi tilo, im weda palti wirae
    and speak; let, let fortress and tower-obj make, that tower's
  5. iehobO nap nal cuneo tilî im'arcu wedi erio ciajfodo. C
    Yehovah-is for to pl-people making that fortress and tower see ed-down-come.
  6. iehobO aumaro; “it canhero sreto, nak nap maru sof, ilhi cidaof, nal ittae, it plû geî pei nau cenoato.
    Yehovah speak; “this many-meeting-is one-clan, and language-also one-because of, this-thing-like ed-start-so, from this-day, that do-to want-ous work-obj may not-can-prohibit.
  7. na, nei co ajfodo, nak imsae ima mari ulmo, nath ne' imo cekenmero.” ciplo. nak
    come, let we down-go, and there-at they's language-obj confuse, so let they-are no-know-hear-do,” was-do. and
  8. nap iehobO diseo imi eldirû cueplof, wo imarci tiloî cimico.
    for Yehova that-place-is they-obj all-land-to ed-strew-so, they that-fortress-ogj build-thing(-)obj stop-ed.
  9. nath ila nemi babelÛ nemo, nap iehobO elsoná mari cúlmo. iehobO diseo wi eldirû cueplo.
    so that's name-obj babel-to named, for Yehovah all-world's language-obj ed-confuse. Yehovah-is that-place-is they-obj all-world-to ed-strew.

새 텍스트